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WWF AugmentReality

How does Augmented reality work?
Augmented reality allows digital content to look like it is part of the physical world. By using a live camera feed the app can detect key features of the target (object/ image) enabling the app to figure out the best orientation to display the Augmented on top of the target.

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The Turtle ~
The Turtle is meant to represent how general public waste, when discarded incorrectly, can have huge effects not only on the environment but on sea life too. A study by Eco Watch shows that '100% of sea turtles in a global study were found with plastic in their bellies' with each animal containing between 130-150 traces of plastic. The turtle in this project is 3d printed from plastic and is represents how much plastic affects their life.

Augmented reality ~
I decided to include augemented reality within this piece. This is not only a passion of mine, but an innovative way to allow the viewers to interact with the piece. For this project, the Augmented reality is a way of demonstrating how easy we as humans can make big changes to our world.
When using the tablet to scan the skeleton, the user can bring the Turtle back to life.  

Further meaning ~
This project not only represents how our throwaway society affects our world, but how industries like craft can reduce waste. 3D printing is a new and upcoming technique for creators. Not only does this offer materials such as PLA which is 100% environmentally friendly and biodegradable as it is made from corn starch. 3D printing can be a zero waste way of creating, which is why it has become a focus within my craft. 

links ~

Beach Pollution: Beach Cleanup Findings

Plastic Grocery Bags

Plastic Lids

Plastic Straws & Stirrers

Glass Beverage Bottles

Cigarette Butts

Plastic Beverage Bottles

Plastic Bottle Caps

Food Wrappers

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